Sylwia Majtczak – Three Tips You Can Use For Your Next Business Trip

Business travel can be quite grueling, especially if you have to travel for several days each month. Moving from one city to another, and from one hotel to another is not an easy task and it soon starts to wear out on you. Sylwia Majtczak has been a corporate travel consultant for several years and knows just how difficult business travel can get at times. Here are some travel tips you can use for your next business trip.

Sylwia Majtczak
Sylwia Majtczak

Carry an Energy Bar

If you are traveling by airplane, you know that unexpected delays or flight cancelation can throw things out of sync and sometimes leave you sitting at the airport. If you are caught in a blizzard at the airport, food at the cafes and restaurants can run out very quickly. A simple tip you can use to remedy this situation is to carry a couple of energy bars in your carry-on bag. This will keep you going for a couple of hours until the situation changes and your flight takes off.

Room Numbers

If you have been staying at several hotels on your business trip, you might want to write down the room number and save yourself a lot of trouble. If you have been traveling for several weeks across different cities or countries, and staying at different hotels, writing down the room number or parking lot number where you parked will help you remember where you need to go.

Get a Good Meal

While it might seem obvious that you need to eat while you are on a business trip, it is important to know where you can get a good meal. It can be quite frustrating to go to a new place and not know where to eat. Look up online before you travel and find a place that serves good food, somewhere close to where you would be staying and head over there and enjoy a good meal. You will feel refreshed and revived for your business meeting.

Sylwia Majtczak has planned and coordinated several business trips for corporate clients.